Transferring a credit card is very easy. Depending on the card type and card issuer, it is sometimes possible directly but always succeeds via the gang. In the latter case, you need an account that has nothing to do with the 신용카드현금화, i.e., the account of another credit institution, financial service provider, or online service.

There you register with the credit card and can then transfer money from the credit card to the newly opened account and from there to any other account – for example, to the current overdraft account linked to the credit card.

In the following, some financial service providers are described in more detail with which such action and a transfer from a credit card to a third-party account can be carried out using the method described.


Like Skrill, Transfer Wise is also an electronic financial institution based in England, where money transfers are based on the peer-to-peer principle. This applies to both a transfer to your own account and a transfer from a credit card to a third-party account.

The money moves directly and without detours from the sending account via the TransferWise account to a receiving account. For example, if you want to transfer money from your 신용카드현금화 to your own account, you simply open a free account with TransferWise, transfer money from your credit card to this account and from there to your own account. TransferWise advertises that they are up to seven times cheaper than banks based in Germany such as Postbank, Deutsche Bank, or the savings banks. Over 6 million TransferWise customers now have a free multi-currency account with which payment transfers can be made in over 40 currencies.


Skrill has been part of the Paysafe Group since 2015 and is an English payment service provider that allows online payments. The whole thing works according to the prepaid method. This means that the customer first opens a free account with Skrill (a so-called Skrill Wallet). There he must first deposit money. He can then withdraw this credit at an ATM or transfer it to any receiving account – including his own account.


The Western Union is one of the leading suppliers in the field of cross-border cash movements. The primary business principle is as simple as it is impressive: you simply pay in cash at a Western Union branch, and at the same time, this money can be received by an authorized person in any country and there at another Western Union branch.

Final Words

So, while transferring money to your credit card, keep this information in mind.