
The development of the nation is dependent on health.” A state of physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being, rather than merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” states the World Health Organization.” mental well-being in which an individual recognizes their abilities, can cope with the everyday stresses of life, can work productively, and can contribute to their community” is how the World Health Organization defines mental health. Mental health, in this sense, is the foundation for individual well-being and community efficiency. Learn more about mental health here  

What is the significance of mental health?

It has an impact on educational outcomes, workplace productivity, personal relationships,

the rate of crime, and alcohol and drug abuse.

Over 450 million people are affected by mental disorders. By 2020, the World Health Organization predicts that depression will be the second most prevalent disease worldwide. Lopez and Murray, 1996). Both developed and developing nations’ treatment capacities will be overwhelmed by the global burden of mental health issues. The potential for promoting mental health and preventing and treating mental illness drew attention to the social and economic costs associated with the growing burden of mental illness. As a result, mental health is seen as crucial to physical health and quality of life because it is linked to behavior.

What obstacles must be overcome before mental health programs can be implemented?


  • Mental illness is associated with stigma, and patients are subjected to discrimination in all facets of society, including education, employment, marriage, and so on, which makes it more difficult for them to seek medical assistance.
  • Diagnostic ambiguity is caused by vague mental health and illness concepts and the absence of definitive signs and symptoms.
  • People think that people with mental illnesses or spirits cause mental illnesses.
  • Therapeutic nihilism results from the widespread belief that mental illness cannot be reversed.
  • There is a widespread belief that preventative measures will not work.
  • According to many, drugs used to treat mental illnesses can have several side effects, including addiction.

What are the contributing factors to mental illness?

  • An abnormal balance of neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain has been linked to mental illnesses. Neurotransmitters make it easier for nerve cells in the brain to talk to one another. Mental illness symptoms may result from messages not passing through the brain correctly if these chemicals are out of balance or do not function properly.
  • Infections: Brain damage from some infections have been linked to mental illness or the worsening of its symptoms. For instance, the development of the obsessive-compulsive disorder and other mental illnesses in children has been linked to a condition known as pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder (PANDA), which is caused by the Streptococcus bacteria. Some mental illnesses are also linked to damage or defects in particular brain regions.