The dark is bound to make anyone uneasy. It also makes you an easy target for the dangers that go bump into the night. Defending yourself in the darkness of night is not easy. Even if you are carrying a gun for safety, it might not help you in case you can’t see what you are aiming at. You could carry a a flashlight, but even that is not the right option as it’s not so ideal aiming a flashlight and gun together. That requires an expertise that a common person is not accustomed to. This is why you might require a night sight added to your gun to enable vision dark.

What is a sight?

A sight is nothing but an aiming device that is attached to gun to assist in better aiming. There are many types of these sights that each offer a different benefit. They can either be optical lenses to magnify vision, or laser lights that help set a target.  There are different types of simple and advanced sights that are either , mechanical, optical, computational or a combination of all these. Some of these include,

  • Simple sights
  • Optical sights
  • Telescopic sights
  • Reflective sights
  • Iron frames or iron sights
  • Collimator sights
  • Holographic weapon sights
  • Laser sights
  • Thermal weapon sight
  • Night vision device
  • Fire-control system
  • Bombsight

What is a night sight?

 Similarly, a night sight can also be added to a gun to enable night vision.

It works by enabling a glowing light in low-light conditions. Night sights also come in two varieties. One type has a fibre optic which is a colored piece of glass that illuminates the surroundings by using whatever light is available. And the other which is made of a material called Tritium that creates its own light in the dark. They can be available in any color; red, green, yellow and orange, you can choose whichever you prefer.

This is one of the first upgrades that people usually look for as the factory sights that they come with aren’t as useful especially at night. Night sights offer bold dotted lights that make it much easier to see than that of factory sights. You can easily find the best pistol night sights available in the market. They are easy to assemble and ready to use. They might be expensive but there also a few affordable options in the market as well that you can choose from.

The night sights ultimately give you an edge in the dark and protect you from being vulnerable at night. So if you are looking for a complete defensive weapon, its best to add a night sight so that you can be prepared whether day or night. It might even save your life!